Saturday, May 1, 2010

Check back often

This is an unofficial blog that is not authorized by the Republican Party, RLC, or anybody else. My goal is to gather as much information as possible on every candidate who will appear on the Clay Republican Primary ballot. You won't find anything like this anywhere else, at least not on one webpage. Republicans, you need this, many of your past primary decisions show that way too many of you didn't put any thought into how you cast your vote. The reason why the November ballot is often a choice between two losers is because the parties picked losers in August. Let's try to get it right this time, our country is in too much trouble for people to be flipping coins in the ballot box.
I'll have the first post up within a few days and more after that every few days, check back often. I'm going to supply the most accurate information possible, but be advised that these are my opinions, I'm going to strive for fairness but I'm going to be honest and often my bias is based more upon feeling than facts. I invite comments to add to the conversation.

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